Website powered by
Cameron Scott Davis
Concept Lead & Art Director
Home page
Home page
No to AI
Dream World Finnegan
Luci - Sleep Walker. Imagine FX
Jimmy Maddox
The Sheriff of Pillowtown and his trusty pillow-pony Somnus
Map of Pillowtown - the land of childhood dreams
Welcome to Pillowtown - Cameron Scott Davis
Pillowtown Falls
Luci and the Dream Beacon
Asteria - Real World circa 1994
The Third Eye Express
Luci - Sleepwalkerz
Luci in the Desert with Diamonds
Mother Mossy-Applebutter
The Shadowman
Lustivus - Sleepwalkerz
The Queen's Cuckoo Tower
Welcome to Boogedyville!
Eddie Rothchylde
Blood Eels of the Siren's Ossuary
Bed Bugz 02
Aygues Yolkam - Balance is Key
Rex James - Fortnite test
Character Design for "Dino Wars" mobile game
Bone Berserker - Barbaria
Beef Bloodstayne - Barbaria
The Gladiatrix - Barbaria
Goblin - enemy and hero designs for Barbaria VR game
Barbaria - Hero concept
Gladiatrix - Character development for Barbaria VR game
The Maxx - 2D design for 3D maquette
Johnny Napalm - guitar hero 3
Midori - Guitar Hero 3 designs
Lou - Guitar Hero 3
Judy Nails Guitar Hero character designs, ideation, and illustrations
Lars Umlaut - Guitar Hero 5
Slash - Guitar Hero 3
Xavier Stone - Guitar Hero 3 concept
James Hetfield - Guitar Hero Metallica designs
Axel Steel concept art for Guitar Hero 3 - cameron scott davis
Izzy Sparks - Guitar Hero 5
Billy Corgan - Guitar Hero concept
Lars Umlaut - process
King Diamond - Guitar Hero Metallica
Robot thumbnail design
Random Character doodles
Random character sketches
Kes head studies
Rough Layout thumbnail sketches
Sleepwalker - The Journey Begins
Lucider - Lord of the World's Edge, lord of the deep
Finnegan and Wake - SleepWalker
The Queen of Boogedyville! Gnomon Tutorial
Jimmy Jazzz - Sleepwalker
Guitar Hero xbox magazine cover illustration
The Snuggle Bandits Gang
Finnegan catching Z's - Cameron Scott Davis
Land of Potatoes, Sea of Tomatoes
Mobile game environment work
Rakshasa - establishing shot
The Foot-Gobblin' Goblin and The Nightmare Bear
Skate Decks
Dangerous Curves
Audrey Tautou study
Petal - Rakshasa
Devil Girl Pink
Boxing Day
India sketch
Jessica Rabbit illustration
Ghostbusters - Gozer Reboot
Le Femme Wolverine
Summer Love
Valentine's Day
Devil Girl
Ray - morning sketch
FKA Twigs by Cameron Scott Davis
India Love
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